Mission of Hope

Working for Justice

Christ said,
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be filled."

(Matthew 5:6)

St Michael’s, as a Catholic Dominican school, embraces Christ’s option for the poor through its determination to challenge all expressions of egoism in society. In the school’s quest for ‘truth’ each student is encouraged to preach, by their example, the Good News of the Gospel.

This resolve is expressed in a variety of ways but particularly in our support towards Sr. Joachim and the Mission of Hope. Sr. Joachim is a former St Michael’s pupil (Laura Brown) who became a Sister with the Missionaries of Charity. She is currently working in Ethiopia, particularly with women and mothers who have been affected by HIV and illness, prostitution, war and conflicts and a lack of resources such as clean water. Sr. Joachim is working with these women and is offering them support and friendship, an opportunity to learn new skills/crafts which enable them to earn a living and provide for their families and medical advice and support for themselves and their children.

St Michael’s made a commitment to support the work of Sr. Joachim as part of our 60th Jubilee celebrations in 2016 and we continue to support her today. 

Over the last four years the students, teachers and parents of St Michael’s have provided prayers and funds to provide medicines for seriously ill people. We are currently supporting Sr. Joachim in building the Tamara Tabor project. The Tamara Tabor will be a “house of hospitality” for those women who become sick, (either as a result of HIV, and the consequent frequent infections and illnesses they succumb to, especially in the latter stages of this disease, or have infectious diseases such as TB, who have no one to help them, poor nutrition and cannot live in their rooms in the town ), for women who have poor housing and are about to give birth, with no assistance from anyone, and terminally ill women who have no one to care for them in the hospital. 

We do this in the spirit of service and so that we can ‘Bring all to Christ and Christ to all

Latest updates from The Mission:-

Letter of Appreciation September-2nd-095337.pdf

Fragments from the Frontier Oct 2024

Please see our latest newsletter Advent/Christmas 2023 Advent-Christmas-Letter-for-Friends-of-the-Mission.pdf