St michaels catholic high school 152


St Michael’s Catholic High School PTFA

St Michael’s has a thriving PTFA which has become an integral part of St Michael’s school life. 

As parents of St Michael’ Catholic High School we are all members of the PTFA.  The contribution the PTFA makes is testament to our enthusiasm and commitment to support our school, staff and young people.

Purchases last year from your fabulous donations included a new Audio Visual System for the school and PE Match kits.

The PTFA organises a number of annual social events including our very popular Quiz Nights.

We would love to hear from new members please contact us be completing attached form :-



We had a fantastic Quiz night in November raising funds for some much needed Food Technology Cookers which will be used by all students across the school.  We are so grateful to all who helped, attended, donated and bought raffle tickets.   Twelve cookers were installed during the Christmas break and are happily being used by all students - Thank you so much.

Thank you again.


NEXT PTFA Meetings   

Tuesday 10th September 6-7pm

AGM Tuesday 13th November 2024 6-7pm

Quiz - Friday 11th October  2024 

Preloved Uniform  – Donations Required  

Please bag any clean and good quality unwanted  uniforms and ask your child to leave at Student Services for collection.

Thank you - PTFA Team